
Volume 69 | Issue 06 | 7th August 2024

We gather together on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Wurundjeri people. We pay our respects to all of Melbourne’s First Peoples, to their ancestors and Elders, and to our shared future together.


Presidential Press
Unfortunately at this week’s meeting, I also announced the sad passing of Alan Lorenzini’s mother on Sunday 4th August. Our sincerest condolences to Alan and his family.
From a District perspective members were advised that PP Geoff McCormick is taking on the role of District Director – Governance which has been previously held by David Whiting. Congratulations Geoff!
Our Guest Speaker for the evening was Betty Chetcuti. Betty has previously been a stallholder at the Hawthorn Makers Market so she soon realised why she knew some of our members.
Betty is an Australian psychologist, working in Melbourne for over 20 years. She has helped people to be happier, calmer and to take care of their emotions. The role of nutrition, sleep and exercise has always been a core foundation of her work as a psychologist and extensive research on vegan eating provided another avenue for people to improve their health outcomes. As a result Betty wrote a book titled ‘My Vegan Cookbook’ in which she discusses her decision to become vegan, the benefits of eating plant based foods, a couple of case studies and also contains many recipes.
You may have noticed a new face at the Welcome Desk.
We are trialling a new system for the Welcome Desk whereby we have new members at the  desk for a month at a time. Lindy Anderson performed the role admirably in July and David Chu is now performing this role for August. This is a great way for our newer members to hopefully meet all members who attend our dinner meetings and vice versa.
The Donations in Kind (DIK) Open Day was held on Saturday 10th August and from all feedback was a very successful event. We were blessed by some fantastic weather, especially enjoyed by members of the West Footscray club who put on the BBQ. Following the formalities at the beginning, there were tours which gave many members the opportunity to see and hear about what DIK does, for the very first time.
Sincere thanks to the Camberwell members who attended - Graeme Hope, Teresa Molella, Fabienne Nichola, Nadia Hamilton, Don Jago, Murray Anderson, Lindy Anderson and my wife Fulvia.
Let the Magic of Rotary continue to Create Hope in our Communities and the World!
Put These Dates in Your Diary!!! 
Wednesday 14th August: Weekly Meeting – Speaker Graham Ellis
Topic – The Truth about Delaying the Onset of Aging
The guest speaker on 14 August 2024, is Graham Ellis ‘The Truth about Delaying the Onset of Aging’
Graham Ellis is a champion in his age group and an example to others who aspire to a fit active and healthy lifestyle. Graham is passionate about helping others over 50 achieve their health and wellness goals.
Graham is an experienced specialist in Functional Ageing Exercise and Functional Ageing Group Exercise. He is also a Personal Trainer and a published Author.
Health & Fitness have been a lifetime passion for Graham for more than 30 years. He is the founder of 'Renewed after 50'.
His specific interest is supporting packages that mentor and assist clients who find it too difficult or confronting to go to a gym but need intensive support to get a quality of life that many take for granted.
Wednesday 21st August: Weekly Meeting – Speaker Dharmesh Patel
Topis - Running to a better life
Wednesday 28st August: Fellowship Dinner 
Dunyazad Lebanese Restaurant
329 Doncaster Road North Balwyn
$40/pp Set menu includes:
A selection of starters, entrees and mains
The club to provide wine for each table.
Bring along your spouses, partners or family members
The August 4 Hawthorn Makers Market had it all. 
Raw Australian Honey from 'Bees Friends', supporting the protection of bees. Plus, there were quality Aussie wool Beanies perfect for winter.  And there was new stallholder, 'Daniel's Doggy Delights' (see pics) offering culinary delights for pooches etc. There was something for all tastes!
The day was chilly to start with but eventually produced some welcome sunshine and visitors- a growing number of them local who noted our street banners. It was great having Boroondara Mayor Cr Lisa Hollingsworth visit us and undertake some volunteer duties. Our District Governor Michael Lapina and his son Alex (representing 'Rotary Activate' who meet on Zoom) also dropped in for a look and chat.
The next Market is on Sunday 1st September with the theme....'Swing into Spring at the Hawthorn.'
We can't wait for some sunshine!
Little Girl Lost
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Off Your Back Project
Auto Classico - Mailing Road
Get ready to ignite your passion for cars and bikes!
Maling Road Auto Classico is back and better than ever before and will be held on Sunday, August 18th, 2024, between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm, at the Maling Road shopping precinct for a day filled with excitement and family fun.
With over 280+ classic and modern exotics on display, there’s something to captivate enthusiasts of all ages. From vintage classics to cutting-edge vehicles, marvel at the diverse range of cars and clubs secured from around the world. The unique historical buildings, with large verandas and tree lined village square presents an environment that is truly unique, and reminiscent of classic shows that occur in Europe that we all love, where we close the street to allow easy access and movement in a safe environment.
From the moment you step foot into the transformed Maling Road Historical Shopping Village, you’ll be transported to a world of automotive wonder, amongst boutique retail, cafes, and fashion stores. With a dazzling array of cars and bikes on display, each with its own unique story to tell, you’ll be in awe at every turn.
Free to the public, roaming entertainment, food, cafes, sponsors marquees, and retail stores being opened for a fun day.
Connecting Communities Australia (CCA)
CCA are a charity who do disaster recovery work in Australia - flood, fire and drought typically.
CCA have been successful in getting a grant to take a volunteer team into the Shepparton area to help flood impacted households and now we are trying to round up more volunteers. 
WHY Shepparton? - Greater Shepparton was significantly affected by the floods in October 2022 and some properties within the municipality were also affected in the January 2024 floods. In excess of 1000 properties were heavily impacted and those impacts are still being felt today.
Eighteen months post the October 2022 event, Goulburn Flood Recovery Services are still supporting approximately 180 households and many of those still have substantial need for rehabilitation of land or properties.  Typically, after this amount of time the folks needing help are the most vulnerable - elderly, unwell (either mentally or physically), uninsured.  For example, one person was insured - totally inundated and found out she had cancer and with all the additional costs through cancer treatments she has lived off the insurance money.
I'll be doing a scoping trip roughly the week beginning 9th September to enable a project plan.  That’s when we will really know what we will be doing.  But initially, think minor repairs to houses and buildings, some minor fencing, possibly painting/plastering and LOTS of rubbish clearing and removal and cleaning.   The project plan is always matched to the capabilities of the volunteers.
Project dates: 1-7 Oct 2024
  • Accommodation in Tatura Park Showgrounds - camping or some indoor areas you can lay a swag down.  WC, showers, kitchen and meeting room are all there.
  • Meals should all be provided - except breakfast.
  • No specific skills required - but hardworking and keen and happy to tackle most things.  Enjoy a glass of red at the end of the day - close to essential!
  • Age is unlikely to be an issue!  Chris Knight the project lead is 69 and one of his key team is 83!
  • Chatting with the impacted folk is very important - after this amount of time after the flooding events it is typically the most vulnerable who still need support.
Typically, these efforts have a really positive spirit.
We are fully supported by Shepparton Shire Flood Relief team and Goulburn Flood Recovery Services.  I can supply letters of support from them if you need them.  We need 20 volunteers in total - including myself as Project Leader.
Members can talk with Chris Knight directly, he is happy to answer any queries you may have. Chris’s details are below:
Chris Knight
CCA Project Leader
Eltham Art Show - 16th-18th August 2024
New Youth Initiative for Camberwell Rotary
On behalf of Adrian and the Youth and Vocation Committee, I am excited to announce we will be conducting Mock Job Interviews at Camberwell High School this year. This is to prepare Year 9 students for entering the world of work as part of their curriculum.
  • When: September 4th and 6th, 8.30am-12.00pm: SAVE THE DATE
  • Where: Camberwell High School, 100A Prospect Road, Canterbury
  • 16 volunteers required on each morning, working in pairs, no experience necessary. I would hope that most volunteers could work both sessions
  • Rotary members (current and past), partners and friends welcome to volunteer
  • Working With Children Check essential (Camberwell High requirement)
I will be sending out the Volunteer Signup List by email next week, with information regarding the interview process, OR you can sign up now by clicking HERE.
There will also be further support and guidance during August.
If you have any immediate questions regarding this exciting project, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Lindy Anderson
Youth and Vocation Committee
Volunteers Needed: Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Your help is needed! Volunteers are required for the following event. Please check available slots and book yourself directly online.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle 
August 24, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Nadia Hamilton 0416 307 478
Bunnings Hawthorn
230 Burwood Road
Hawthorn, VIC Australia
A Reminder when Tin-Rattling at the Sunday Market
As you all know, volunteering at the Camberwell Sunday Market is an important part of our fundraising, as well as showing support to our Cluster Club the Rotary Club of Balwyn.
We have recently received communication from RC Balwyn outlining a 30% reduction in the gate takings over the last two years. Their report acknowledges that many of the reasons are outside their or our control (eg cost of living increases, cultural issues, younger age of patrons), the one thing we can influence is our engagement while greeting the Market patrons. 
So in Balwyn Rotary's communication: The Market Committee requests that all volunteers be more engaging in welcoming patrons to the market and seeking a donation. We are not asking for aggression, be more engaging which encourages patrons to contribute. 
Please keep this in mind during your next and subsequent Market Roster sessions.
Murray Anderson, Treasurer
ClubRunner Corner - CSM Roster

Camberwell Sunday Market - Volunteer Roster

Have you ever wondered which Sunday you have been allocated to? Can't find the email from Alan?
Then look no further! This new widget has been added to both our website Home Page - it's at the bottom of the right-hand column, right under the 3 most recent Bulletins. And it will be in each Bulletin as well. Just click on the blue "CSM Signup List" link. It's that simple - try it!
Murray Anderson


August 2024
4th August
Nav Murinatne/Tim Landsberg
George de Souza/Pierre Kreigler
   11th August
David Chu/ Yvonne Wills
Jessica Wat/ Michelle Critchley
18th August
Peter Pratt/ Nadia Hamilton
Fabienne Nichola/ Geoff McCormick
25th August
Gary Goldsmith/Darren Li
Amadini Perera/ David Troon
Youth Homelessness Morning Tea
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Warwick Heil
August 3
Jo-Anne Tamlyn
August 9
Peter Pratt
August 17
Spouse Birthdays
Chris Govender
August 29
Jon Oppy
Denise Oppy
August 1
Daya Govender
Chris Govender
August 29
Join Date
Patty Laufenberg
August 1, 2018
6 years
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Please send your contributions or any general feedback to your 2023-202 RCC Bulletin Editor Joe Yeh (